Every year many accidents occur. With some care, they can be prevented. In case an accident does happen, you can be of help if you know basic First Aid. Read each of the Flowing Carefully. You will be able to give vital first aid if needed. Remember always to seek help from an adult immediately. Do not move the casualty unnecessarily. Keep him warm. Make a diagnosis, decide the treatment and treat. Remember the ABC of first AID. See if his airways are clear, that she is breathing, and his blood circulation is patent. 1. RESPIRATION: If it is falling, give artificial respiration-Mouth to Mouth or Mouth Nose. 2.BLEEDING: Arrest the bleeding and protect the wond. Apply direct or indirect pressure. Cover with a dressing, apply a pad and firm bandage. Elevate keep at rest. 3.FRACTURES: Immobilise it with a well padded stiff support reaching the joints on either side of the site and at the joints on either side support. h...