S.S.DOCTORS CENTRE-7076661575-Power House Para, Burdwan

1.Prof. Dr. B.Soyayika (MD, Medicine) Tuesday and Wednesday Close 2.Dr. Asim Sarkar (MBBS,S.M(nose,ear,throught) E.N.T, Burdwan medical college &Hospital. 3.Dr.P.K Ghosh (S.S Ortho) (AssistantProf. Burdwan Medical college and Hospital) Tuesday close. 4.Dr.Saurav Ghosh (MBBS,honours,kol,M.S (Gold Medilist) Eye Specialist. 5.Dr. Sumanta Ghosh Maulik (MBBS honars BPM,kol, MD(ANAESTH) F.I.P.S (Mental, Nerve Brain Specialist ) 6. Dr Deepak Kumar Sahu (MS Col, MCH, BHU urology Consultant Urosurgeon) Burdwan Medical College and Hospital) Saturday closed. 7. Dr. Utpal singha Roy (MBBS D.C.H col, P.G.D.-N Kerala. Child Specialist. (Saturday closed.) 8.Dr. B. Maiti (M.S. general and laparoscopic surgeon) assistant professor Burdwan Medical College and Hospital. Sunday and Wednesday close. 9.Dr. D Naga (M.D, general physician) Chamber: Friday and Saturday. 10. Dr. Anandmay Sain MBBS,D (Ortho)Kol, M.S Mob:707...